Amazing Origami Sculptures

A few months ago, I started learning the art of origami. I've always been curious about how a blank piece of paper could turn into a three-dimensional artwork. My first attempt at origami was a simple rose. I realized that it took focus and concentration to finish one of the basic origami. It took me a few attempts to do this before I finished my first origami.
By Jeremy Kool

Lytro the end to unfocused Photos

Ever since I started taking photos I occassionally experienced having the perfect shot ruined due to focusing issues. Having a shot ruined becuase of a wrong focus has kept me looking for a software or solution in order to fix or prevent this problem. I've tried numerous programs such as photoshop and topaz in focus but have so far never made any drastic improvements to my out of focused images.

How Floating Homes Can Help Combat Climate Change

Rainy seasons have finally arrived here in the Philippines. A series of tropical storms and typhoons are heading here, bringing heavy rains and floods. After our country experienced the disaster of Typhoon Ondoy, I have been pondering a solution to flooding and how to prevent it from happening again.

Architects: Vandeventer + Carlander Architects
Location: Seattle, Washington, USA