Showing posts with label Lighting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lighting. Show all posts

Illuminating Your Space: A Simple and Easy Method for Determining Room Lighting Needs

A Simple and Easy Method for Determining Room Lighting Needs
When it comes to lighting a room, having the proper number of light fixtures to achieve the desired brightness level while also being energy efficient is critical. Using a combination of lux, area, and lumens per fixture is a simple way to calculate the number of lights needed. This article will go over this method in depth and show you how to use it to get the ideal lighting for any room.
Three Edison Light Bulbs Beside the Sofa
Photo by iSAW Company from Pexels

LED Panels vs Bulbs: Why I Choose the Classic Option

LED Panels vs Bulbs

Bulbs and LED panel lights are both popular options for lighting your home or office, but they have some essential differences that make one a better choice in certain situations than the other. This article will examine why I prefer bulb-type lights over LED panel lights.

Person reaching White Light Bulb
Photo by Luca Nardone from Pexels


Bulb lighting is a more traditional and familiar option for many people. They have been around for over a century and are the first choice for most people when lighting their homes. Bulbs are also widely available and can be found in most hardware and home improvement stores, making them easy to find and purchase.